Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Is that a barn I smell burning?

Nope, that's coming from the Harrison softball field.  Yup, that's what Raider fans were treated to this evening -- a barn burner!  (forgive me, it's late).  This evening's contest pitted the Lady Raiders against a strong Logansport Berries team.  The game, as it would turn out, was very much a defensive battle -- leaving the scoreboard entryless at the end of regulation (ok, it would be simpler to say it was 0-0 at the end of seven innings, but what fun would that be?!) 

Then, well, here's a little taste of how the evening went... 

Early on in the game everyone had a "hold your breath moment" as shortstop Megan Mitchell tipped a batted ball with her glove, dig a mini=juggling act with it and then went crashing to the ground -- with the ball IN her glove!  Way to go, Megan!

Solid defensive play by freshman Jayden Spitznagel helped the Raiders keep things tight in the infield

A hit, followed by an error on Raider first baseman Morgan Stephens, put the Berries on the board first -- leading 1-0 in the 10th inning.  Yes, the Raiders were down, but certainly not out.  In the bottom of that inning, Stephens lead off with a hot shot which came off the bat so hard it careened right under the Logansport short stop and Stephens was aboard.  Valuing the speed and agility of freshman Kristen Fuller, Coach Willis put Fuller on the bags in Stephens' place.  
Here Kristen got a few instructions from Coach Willis during a tense time out.  

With Fuller on and two outs,  Jordyn Garrett stepped to the plate and shot a screaming line drive out to center field! (boy, that was pretty!)  Fuller scored to tie up the game and Garrett lands safely at second base in front of the throw.

Yeah, Raider fans were all smiling with your Jordyn!!!

The 1-1 stalemate continued until the top of the 14th inning when a string of hits by Logansport would load up the bases and then on the closest of calls, ball four would walk in a run.  Berries up 2-1.  

Things were quiet but focused in the third base dugout as Harrison got their chance at the plate one last time.  Brooke Jordan (who pitched all fourteen innings for the Raiders) lead off for the Raiders stroking a single out to left field.  Morgan Stephens then laid down the sac bunt to push Brooke over to second. Megan Mitchell would follow with a walk to put two on.  A quick pop-up = Two outs.

Here catcher Ashley Courtney takes a peek at the scoreboard as the pitch count grows.

Then once again Jordyn Garrett and her mighty bat were at the plate -- and, unlike the Mighty Casey -- Jordyn did NOT strike out.  There was joy in Raiderville (I told you, it's late) for it was another double for Miss Jordyn, Brooke Jordan scored and it was a tie game once again.

But that would not be the final word (obviously, the game is tied) -- and up to the plate came freshman Jordan DeBoy.  A solid shot off the bat got Mitchell flying round the bases and an overthrow of first allowed Mitchell to come home and gave the Raiders the victory!

Final score:  Harrison 3 -- Logansport 2

Did I mention, there was joy in Raiderville?!

Lest it be minimized in my tale here, hats off to the Lady Berries.  They played one dynamite game.  Their defense, in particular, was superb and a treat to watch.  Best of luck with the remainder of what is sure to be a fabulous season for you all!  

Directions to Fields Afar

As the season really gets rolling here, it's time to gas up the cars and head off to many different softball venues. Should you need directions to any of these places, here is the link to the page from Harrison's website with driving directions to all the schools we face.

It's going to be a fantastic season at home and on the road!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Opening Day is a Hit! ...and another and another....

Saturday the Lady Raiders Softball teams ventured up north to take the field at North White HS. It was a rousing success for both squads as the varsity triumphed 13-0 and the JV followed with an impressive victory of their own, topping North White 7-4.

In game one of the day, Harrison's dynamic duo of pitching junior Brooke Jordan and senior Morgan Stephens combined for an outstanding no-hitter. And success on the field was not limited to the pitching circle as the Raider bats were hot! The Varsity squad totaled eleven hits in this five inning game (the game was called at the end of the fifth due to the imbalance in score). For more details on the heavy hitters of this game, go to

Not to be outdone, the fiesty JV squad came to the diamond to show some great play of their own. Sophomore Rosalie Townsley and junior Jordan Garrett teamed up from the circle with freshman Abby Scowden running the game from behind the plate. The infield was solid, the outfield impressive (watch a phenomenal catch in left field mid-game!!!) and the bats smokin' with Cara Heath's solid smack and Kelly Huston's blast to deep right-center just to mention a couple.

Way to start the season right, Ladies!!

Here's a few glimpses of the action (to see the entire collection of images from the game, simply double click on any of the shots below and then click on the Raider Softball v. North White collection on Flickr.).

Brooke Jordan bringing the heat!

Haley Baker slides under the tag to get to third safely -- Wow, Haley, how'd you do that?!!

Short stop Megan Mitchell field the ball clean

Ashley Courtney proves that she indeed is the ultimate "plug in player" -- taking up a new position behind the plate and doin' just fine!!  (Opponents, want to test that arm?  Think not!)

Brooke and first baseman Megan Huston celebrate yet another K!

Senior Michelle Henrich provides confidence in the outfield

Freshman Abby Scowden running the show for the JV squad from behind the plate

Rosalie Townsend  bringin' it with that mighty windmill

Kala Storms with a little push bunt to fuel the Raider offense

Kelly Huston slides into third safe after a she lauched a towering blast to right field

Hey, Jordan! This is fun, isn't it?!!

It doesn't get much closer than this!  Kala Storms comes just half a step short of taking the bag.

Determination was all over the field!

Junior slinger Jordan Garrett was exactly what the doctor ordered when it came time to close the book!

The ladies of the Raider JV Softball Team 2009

The cast of characters who make up Harrison's varsity squad!