Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pass the antacids, please...

Monday night found the Harrison softball team jetting down I-65 for a match-up against the Zionsville Eagles.

The JV diamond got rolling first -- and roll they did.

Here is freshman phenom Molly Spitznagle keeping things zippin' from the circle! (Remember that name, folks, we are talking 'just wait to see what's to come!' from this young lady!)

Focused intensity down the third base line -- gotta love it!

Raider first baseman Nikki Harrison:  "This is so easy, I can do it with my eyes closed!" 

The JV Raiders would post a 5-0 victory!

Meanwhile, over on the varsity diamond, Ashley "The Machine" Courtney is at it again -- love to see this girl hit!

An Eagles batter got a hold of a hanging riseball and sent it into center field, but no worries, Haley Baker's got it--doesn't she?

Senior leader Michelle Henrich grinding out the basepaths for the Raiders

Uh-oh -- seems that Zionsville thirdbaseman has it out for you, Michelle!

Ashley getting ready to gobble one up behind the plate

OK, now I am not usually one to talk finances, but this season has me presenting one piece of advice to all Raider Softball fans -- invest in Zantac stock!  (that would be a big-time antacid medication -- great for those of us living under too much stress!)   Here we are, bottom of seven -- well, I will let the scoreboard speak for itself:


Stephens in the circle, bases loaded, Raider defense at the ready....

Here's the pitch...

STRIKE THREE!!!!!!!!!!  (on to extra innings, once again this season!!)

The Raiders and Eagles stayed tangled at zero for two more innings.  (Perhaps someone needs to tell these ladies these games are supposed to be played out in seven innings....)

Top of ten:  outstanding second baseman Jaden Spitznagle (oh, how I wish I had been in position to capture her amazing hanging onto the bag to get the girl out at first play earlier -- splendid!!!) (oh, did I mention she's a freshman!  Yeah --the future looks bright for the Raiders!!) -- oh, back to the top of the tenth...  Jaden drew a walk to start then inning.  Then, Mighty Mouse was up to bat (that would be Miss Haley Baker) and she drops a pretty little shot into shallow right -- uh hah -- that's what we're talking about!

Here Baker tells Coach Mike Willis, "You may kiss my hand."  (well, maybe not, but he probably would have!).

A little mishandling in the field and Miss Jaden is on her way home!  Is it just me, or does she look like she is being so polite as she scores?!


Who does that bring up?!! "The Machine" Ashley Courtney who, once again, smacks it! (yeah, I know, Ashley hits another clutch hit this season--it's getting boring...NOT!!). 


Unfortunately, they got Haley at third.  But that's just two outs and here comes JG (Jordyn Garrett)-- the Queen of Smack (as in with the bat, not talkin'!).

And, then, the call of the night!!  This shot is certainly no where near in focus, but clear enough to tell the story -- Garrett beat out the throw!  Alas, the field umpire did not agree and a called the third out.

BUT, there is a happy ending to our potentially soured tale, the Raiders defense held on in the bottom of the tenth and the victory was theirs, 1-0.  

Hat's off to both sides -- the Lady Eagles played one heck of a game against our Raiders and no one can complain about a lack of excitment!

Now, as we head to the field at Harrison to watch our Raiders face the Brownsburg Bulldogs this evening--Ladies, do you think you could just win it in seven?!!

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